Family history has many layers, here are some of interest.
Family Tree
Uncover where and who you come from by having us research your ancestors.
Discover your ethnicity and relatives both known, and unknown, with DNA! *Requires purchase of test
Have us retrieve old family documents such as wills, marriage certificates, land deeds, and much much more whether digital, or in person research is needed.
Our Ancestors – 30 Years in the Making!
When I was about 9 years old I can remember my dad bringing me to a large room filled with old books and machines, where everyone was frantically scrolling through, rewinding, and switching reading material. I loved reading, so it was pretty easy for him to sit me behind one, tell me to search for something, and unlike any other 9 year old who just wanted to play, I would stay in that seat for hours. Never finding what he asked me to look for, but mainly because I was so fascinated with old newspapers and documents. Looking back into the past of stranger’s lives who I never knew, but just like a Nancy Drew book, I knew that there was an explanation, a past, and a future to each page.
School and social life would take over in my pre-teen and teenage years, and those trips dwindled off, and became a distant memory until facts about my mom’s life came further to light. Discovering that there was a mystery of who she was and where she came from would reignite that flame my father had instilled in me all those years ago, and once again I began to enter those research rooms to try and unravel the enigma that was one half of my DNA. Twists and turns have faced me in the 12 years since I reimmersed myself into the ancestry and DNA realm, and nothing can ever truly surprise me anymore.In these 12 years, discussing my passion with friends, I realized that I was not one of the few, I was one of the many.
This led me to researching my friends’ unknown ancestors of all different nationalities, and in some cases, using DNA to find and prove parentage and answer some of the more difficult and sensitive questions that they didn’t think they would ever have the closure to. Being able to open this window into people’s lives for them is a great blessing to me, and one that I continue to improve upon every single day with the same dedication as I do my own.
Get in Touch
Email us
info@ourancestors.netGive us a ring/text
PA office - 215-650-3043
WV office - 304-853-0002